Bluestocking Journal

Real history, through the eyes of a fictional person

Tag: woman suffrage

Wednesday, September 11, 1912

At the progressive rally in West Side Park last night, B. Fay Mills said that his party is the only one with the courage to advocate universal woman suffrage. We are even behind China in that respect, he said.

But an article detailing the platform of the National Prohibition Party seems to contradict Mr. Mills’s statement. The second item after the banning of alcoholic drink is “Suffrage for women on the same terms as men.”

Friday, September 6, 1912

Apparently our Urbana aldermen are not so good at baseball as they said. They lost 23 to 9 to Champaign.

BUD MARS THE AVIATOR IS BADLY INJURED—terrible news! He was just here for the county fair, but some horrid fence in New York has got the best of him.

Suffragettes were thrown out of the Welsh Eisteddfod for interrupting Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George, and then a mob outside beat them severely and nearly stripped off all their clothing before the women were rescued by police. “The police inside the hall were compelled to handle the women rather roughly in driving them from the building, and one suffragette was slightly injured. None was arrested.”

The Walker opera house will open its vaudeville season Monday night. The opening bill consists of the Marimba band; Harry Thompson, “a clever comedian and fun maker”; Wolf and Zadella, two old favorites; and Miss LaBelle Clark, with her wonderfully trained dancing horse. “The General Films company of Chicago will furnish the motion pictures this year, this fact alone assures us that the pictures will be the best.” I should very much like to see a dancing horse.

Suffrage Lunch Wagon, 1912

Esther Pohl and the Suffrage Lunch Wagon


Wednesday, September 4, 1912

“The Urbana city council has a baseball team that is not to be sneezed at, contrary to reports circulated by envy-green Champaign that it is composed of an awkward squad, better adapted to playing horseshoes.” These are our elected officials.

Suffragists will maintain a booth at the Minnesota state fair “where every man, whether married or single,” may have his socks darned. Here is their slogan:

     Darn the government; darn the socks,
     That’s the way to the ballot box.
     Patch the holes in hubby’s hose,
     March to the polls and voice our woes.

Out of forty-two proposed amendments to the Ohio constitution, all look to have been carried except the Equal Franchise Amendment to give the vote to women. The men must be terribly frightened of us. Perhaps they are worried that with all that voting and such, women won’t find the time anymore to darn their socks.

Mrs. Georgia McIntyre Weaver graduated from law school in Atlanta, but unfortunately women are barred from the practice of law in Georgia. I suppose she will have her diploma framed and displayed in the sewing-room.

In St. Louis, Dr. Sarah F. Wells has died of scalds received from falling into a tub of hot water. She was the proprietress of a “queer little apothecary shop,” had fifteen cats, and was reputed to be both wealthy and a witch. She was also a “graduate of Oberlin university, founder of medical colleges, author, lecturer, traveler, adventuress and charlatan,” and her late husband was an eccentric aeronaut and poet. They sound so very interesting!

A monkey escaped from the circus in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and raided a grocery store. It clawed a college student, charged the police—who fled in response—and tore a cat to pieces. A small boy finally managed to coax the monkey into a chicken pen.

The Illinois state fair (in Springfield, October 4 to 12) promises a fleet of airships, and all are to be in the air at one time! Said Secretary Dickinson, “Madame De Vonda will fly in a hot-air balloon—I believe she is to go up about half a mile and then come down in a parachute.”

School starts Monday in Urbana, and the list of required texts for each grade is in today’s paper. There is a piano sale at Lloyde’s! I wonder if I can convince Papa to buy us one.